Homework is an essential aspect of every student’s life. From school until the final graduation, these youth have been burdened with many academic tasks. Teachers think that homework can significantly benefit students. On the contrary, many students consider it a waste of their time. If you wish to know if it’s advantageous or not, you should delve deeper into history.
Not just history, many of you might want to know who invented homework. The answer to your question is Roberto Nevilis, a teacher in Venice, Italy. He came up with the idea of homework in 1905 (or 1095) to penalize students who didn’t showcase a decent understanding of the topics discussed during class.
Other European countries supposedly adopted this teaching method before reaching North America. Unluckily, this story isn’t entirely true. If you conduct more research, you’ll know that these websites don’t have authentic sources to support this myth as fact.
In 1905, the Roman Empire focused on the First Crusade. They had little time to waste on formalizing education, and there were no classrooms. So how can Nevilis spread the concept of assignment when education stayed so unofficial? If you want to know the answer to this question, you need to read this blog till the end. In this blog, we will explore what happened in the past to understand who invented homework.