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Company Law Dissertation Topics & Ideas 2024 to 2025 Examples
Date Modified May 24 2024 by Liona Mark
Company Law, also called Business or Corporate Law, is a field of law regarding the rights, relations, and behaviour of businesses and those included in them. The business life-cycle from its beginning to its final phase is among the focal points of this field of law, as well as covering more unconventional topics like corporate governance and insolvency. The core piece of law, at least in the United Kingdom, for this subject is the Companies Act 2006.
If you are looking for some company law dissertation topics, then here is a list for you to check out. These topic ideas especially relate to company and partnership law and environmental law.
Example of Company Law Dissertation Topics and Ideas
- Is the British maintenance of the “internal management” approach failing to bring company law in the millennia?
This dissertation topic will discover the scope in which the internal management approach is restricting the usefulness of British company law. It will investigate two components of this model: 1) the reluctance of the judiciary to intervene with the “company agreement” (Foss v Harbottle (1843) 2 Hare 461); and 2) the restrictions on the minority to confront the mismanagement of the business (s. 260 Companies Act 2006). Therefore, this explanation will investigate if the conservative method of the court, in the implementation of the internal management law, impedes the shareholder’s policing role.
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- Are Outsider Rights efficiently secured by the Companies Act 2006?
This dissertation topic will discover the different routes that outsiders (such as creditors) are secured from errors of the business and directors. Thus, it will discover creditor and third-party rights in the case of solvency and bankruptcy. This means that securities under ss.170-174 of the Companies Act 2006 will be discovered; as well as ss. 216-217 of the Insolvency Act 1986 (First Independent Factors and Finance Ltd v Mountford [2008] EWHC 835 (Ch)).
The goal of this discussion is to establish if outsider rights are efficiently safeguarded, which means we can consider a comparative case study with US stakeholder law in Oregon and Delaware.
- Should Human Rights Abuses by Branches and Controlled Supply Chains be enough to penetrate the Corporate Veil?
This dissertation topic will discover how the Companies Act 2006 has used an effective approach to director’s duties (s. 172) and derivative action (s. 260), to allow the NGO shareholder to guarantee that businesses maintain the least CSR standard. The study discovers the various avenues to veil piercing, particularly the potential that s. 172 will allow outsider veil penetration via proxy shareholdership. Thus it considers the growth of business to allow a more powerful shareholder body, as well as the capability for the NGO to utilise the CA 2006 to hold directors and MNCs responsible for bad faith acts.
- To what limit have the director’s responsibilities been expanded under ss. 170-174 of the Companies Act 2006?
This dissertation topic will discover if the extended director responsibilities under ss. 170-174 of the Companies Act 2006 has changed the state of play in British company law, or if the conservatism of the courts has kept the pre-2006 method. Thus, it will discover pre- and post-CA 2006 case regulations to see if there are more basic director’s responsibilities. A significant aspect of this explanation is an investigation of the theories of director’s responsibilities (i.e. Enhanced Value Shareholder (ESV), the shareholder, and Stakeholder models), to establish the usefulness of the CA 2006 model.
- Should the OECD’s Model Tax Convention on Income and Capital 2010 be affirmed in the United Kingdom’s Law?
The current taxation model depends on a nationalised approach as it is essentially connected to jurisdiction. The outcome of this is the implementation of tax law primarily should emerge from the state. This approach is being questioned by globalisation, because the development of multinational companies (MNCs) has created a challenge to efficient and redistributive taxation on a global level. This has brought about the OECD Model Tax Convention on Income and on Capital 2010, which utilises the term permanent establishment under Article 5 to assign the right place for taxation for the complete unitary model (in comparison with taking each body separately). It will then assume the various models of Global Apportionment Formula, which will assume the Federal /State (Provincial) applications in Canada and the US. Therefore, this dissertation topic will discover if this approach is credible in British taxation law, which may look congruent with the conventional implementation of business domicile via the “command and control” approach (De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd v Howe (1906) 5 TC 198; Wood v Holden [2006] EWCA Civ 26).
The professionals at Expert Dissertation use their experience and expertise to help you pick the most suitable topics for your research. They do their best to provide you with the most authentic issues from which you can choose to write the dissertation. Now, the question is what steps they follow to prepare the list of cryptocurrency dissertation topics.
- Has the Limited Liability Partnership Model offered an efficient substitute for the Complexity of Incorporation and the Personal Risks linked with Partnership law?
The growth of the LLP has developed a substitute to the conventional company approach for the sole trader/partnership, which was allowed via the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000. This dissertation topic will discover if the hybrid model of the LLP is effective or if it is only appropriate for specific business models. The LLP is commonly used in the construction sector, which shows that the model is appropriate for particular projects. Therefore, the following research will be based on the construction sector and the hazards of Company and traditional partnership regulation, in which the LLP fills a significant gap.
- To what extent has Environmental Law combined Vicarious and Corporate Liability?
English Environmental Law has established the nature of the “controlling mind” in recent years. The case of Shanks and McEwan (Teeside) Ltd v Environment Agency [1997] Env LR 305 recognised that “knowledge” may be ascribed through the presence of a waste management licence. This thought process has been created to develop the possibility for knowledge to be credited through careful requirements. Therefore, this research paper will assume that the regulation should be adjusted to develop a vicarious responsibility in all environmental cases for managing businesses, except when due diligence is implemented.
- Are the remedies linked with corporate infringements of Environmental Law enough to work as a restraint?
The problem linked with environmental crime sanctions is that there is a “white collar” contrast; although this consideration fails to comprehend the actual effect of environmental crime. This is recognisable in the use of fines, which have zero to no influence on prevention. Therefore, the following topic will discover if an essential approach to environmental crime penalties should be implemented; restoration is at the centre of the framework for current and future victims to guarantee they are sufficiently repaid. This dissertation will assert that in this estimation there should also be a component of “penalty” that also works as an obstacle; as compared to the weak punishments that allow a cost-benefit assessment by polluters.
- Should there be an All-Inclusive Right to Initiate Class Action Suits against Companies for Environmental Escape and Negligence in British Environmental Regulations?
This dissertation topic will compare the American and British attitudes to class action suits since in the area of carelessness this action may compel businesses to work carefully. It will be suggested that the class action suit, in the US form, is crucial to holding businesses to account in some areas that run through with the tort of carelessness (e.g. environmental pollution, product security…). Thus, the comparative method will not only assume the influence on the law of tort but also the capability for the US-style class action suit to enable efficient penalties to put off polluting acts.
- Should the Right to Environmental Quality be embodied into the European Convention of Human Rights, to Efficiently Allow Public Interest Litigation?
Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration 1992 recognises that the participation of worried citizens is crucial to environmental justice. This principle may be created to attribute that there should be an essential system and access to environmental justice. For this system to be efficiently created there should be a right to environmental quality. The issue is that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has declined this extension in a variety of cases (i.e. Budayeva & Others v Russia (2008) 20th March 2008; Oneryildiz v Turkey (2005) 41 EHRR 20; and Leon Agnieszka Kania v Poland (2009) 21st July 2009).
The ECtHR has categorically declined to hold out an unreserved right to a neat and serene atmosphere under Article 8, which means there is a systemic failure to offer Environmental Justice. This method is captivating as there is a right to Environmental Quality in Canada, the US, and India, which has allowed public interest litigation. Thus, the following dissertation will assess the method taken by the ECtHR, and assume if it is suitable for environmental law in the 21st Century.
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