Have you ever noticed that your mind can memorize certain sounds? For example, you hear the tinkle of an ice cream truck, and you can remember that sound. The louder the sound, the closer is the ice cream truck. How do we figure that out? We generally rely on our instincts, right? But do you know there is a framework called “Correlational Research.” It is precisely this phenomenon that is used to identify the relationship between the two variables. Just like we did above, between the “tinkle” and “distance of the ice-cream truck.” This blog is devoted to the study of correlational research, its meaning, importance, types, and a few examples. So, let us begin our exploration by understanding the meaning of this through the following section.
To understand correlational research, you must understand its diverse types. Moreover, it helps to make your research process efficient and more accurate. So, let us explore the different types of correlation research below.